Google Collaborated with Idea to offer direct carrier billing in India

Google is collaborating with Idea to offer direct carrier billing in India. With this now you can pay for your favorite apps in Play Store with your Idea account and no credit card is required.

carrier billing in Indiacarrier billing in IndiaIn Detail if you are Idea User than you can Buy any app from the play store  and charge the cost directly to your existing phone credit. No matter if you are on a Prepaid or Postpaid plan, your Google Play purchases are just deducted from your monthly bill or prepaid balance with Idea Cellular. Moreover, there is no need to install any additional app on your phone or tablet. When you make a purchase, just choose “bill my Idea Cellular Account” on the prompt in the store and enjoy the new way to buy digital content on your Smartphone.

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Idea has become the first carrier to offer such feature to its users. Carrier billing is a very easy mode of payment for Play store purchases. This step taken by Google may increase its Play Store Purchases in India.

Sukhraj Singh

He loves writing and always create useful information for users. He writes about Smartphones and other technical stuff. He also writes at and TheGadgetSquare and developed various websites including E-comms, Informational, and blogs.

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