Categories: AndroidApps

Here is the GalleryNext Beta from Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod has been a franchise that has brought in some really good apps and features to our Android Smartphones. And this time they have the GalleryNext, a new and enhanced way to handle your images.


They had earlier decided to fix the AOSP Gallery shipping with CM ROMs, which was pathetic, and they now came out with a beta version of the new Gallery App. Now as the app is still in the beta phase, but still users who want to try it out, can head to the Play Store and directly download it from there.

However before installing and downloading people would have to join the CM Community. Here are some the features of the beta version of GalleryNext.

  • All the images in one centralized location
  • Integration with Flickr, Picasa, Dropbox and also Facebook
  • Moments Support
  • Gif Support
  • Deduplication in ‘All’ view ( it won’t allow pictures to repeat in the main window)

Also many more features are planned to be added into the App, including the interface of KitKat, just after the beta phase of the app is over. So go try it fast!

Play Store LinkCM Community


Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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