Samsung unveiled the Galaxy A13 5G last year in December as the cheapest 5G handset by the company. Reportedly, the brand is working to introduce the 4G variant of the smartphone. Thanks to some fresh leaks, we have the rumored specifications and pricing details with us.
To mention, Samsung Galaxy A13 4G has passed through multiple certifications, including FCC, BIS, Bluetooth SIG, and Geekbench benchmarking site. All these listings have revealed some key specifications.
Samsung Galaxy A13 4G is likely to draw power from the Exynos 850 chipset paired with 3 GB of RAM. On the software front, the phone can offer Android 12 OS out of the box. In addition, a 5,000 mAh power cell is tipped to keep the system working with 15W charging support.
For connectivity, the Galaxy A13 4G is equipped with dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0. Further, the leaked images disclose the presence of a USB-C port, a 3.5mm audio jack, and a rear quad-camera module.
For now, this is all we have in our hands. Some of the major features like display, camera capacity, and more are still under wrap.
The Galaxy A13 4G will arrive in black, white, and light blue color options. As per leaks, the device will arrive in three storage options: 3 GB RAM + 32 GB, 4 GB RAM + 64 Gb, and 4 GB RAM + 128 GB. Depending on the storage variant, the phone can cost 180 euros (~$204), 200 euros (~$227), and 220 euros (~$250), respectively.