It’s been more than a year since Fossil announced the first Gen 5 smartwatches running Qualcomm Snapdragon 3100. The smartwatch maker appears to be nearing the Gen 6 launch as a Fossil SMartwatch bearing model number C1NF1 appears on FCC. It also appeared on Bluetooth SIG along with DW11 smartwatch in July this year.
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In September, the Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch surfaced on FCC with some scarce details. However, this time some extra details about the C1NF1 are present in the listing documents. According to a document, the Fossil C1NF1 support LTE 2, 4, 12, 13 bands along with NFC, Bluetooth and WiFi modules. Moreover, the device is tested with APP00310 battery having 2.85Vdc and 0.4Ah power rating. It is built by a Taiwan based battery manufacturer – APack Technology Co., LTD.
The presence of NFC will enable the users to pay wirelessly using services like Google Pay. meanwhile, the WiFi module could help easy connectivity and will further enable WiFI hotspot using LTE services.
The Bluetooth SIG listings containing DW11 and C1NF1 were spotted by our folks at 9To5Google.
The new Fossil smartwatch is expected to feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 4100 which could significantly improve the performance and connectivity. Now, it would be interesting to see the battery details and battery standby time, if it really comes with LTE support. As Fossil Gen 5 watches were limited to 20 hours standby with BL, GPS, NFC modules.
On the software end too, the Fossil needs to tweak WearOS a lot as only basics were refined in the latest iteration of WearOS. Overall, the C1NF1 could be the best smartwatch considering the presence of LTE, BL, GPS, NFC and WiFi. But, the company needs to refine features for better battery efficiency.
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