
Final Fantasy XV pocket edition soon to be available for Android

Most of us must have played Final Fantasy game on your console, but for gaming lovers we have a good news. And for those who don’t know Final Fantasy is a role playing game and along with that it also supports a multiplayer online game. Those who love shooting, defending and love tactical roles then this one suits you.

Final Fantasy XV pocket edition soon to be available for AndroidFinal Fantasy XV pocket edition soon to be available for Android

But for those, who don’t have a gaming console then you don’t need to worry. Square Enix the game makers have planned to launch an Android version of the game. So, you can this awesome game on your device. Final Fantasy xv pocket edition will bring it’s content from full FFXV version to mobile version. And you can try this game for free.

For those who have already played this game on console’s have to know that this pocket edition will be a having a different art style. But then as Square Enix says, the pocket edition will have all the characters as well as the same storyline as on console. The controls of the game have been readjusted according to the touchscreen smartphone.

Final Fantasy xv pocket edition will have 10 chapters, though the first one will be free but for remaining you would need to pay. The other chapters will be available and users would not have to wait

And just a little wait is needed, all the episodes will be available by the year end.


Manjyot Singh

As a Technology enthusiast, not only likes using gadgets but also loves to write and review about them. Have always been a fan of latest gadgets and smartphones with latest features.