Facebook has finally rolled out the lite version of its popular messaging app, the Facebook Messenger to India. The Messenger Lite app has already been released in several other countries before India and has garnered in more than 10 million installs in the Google Play Store since its launch.
The original Facebook Messenger already has over a billion installs in the Play Store. The launch of the Lite version for India by Facebook is an attempt at providing a faster experience to millions of mobile users in India.
It is primarily aimed at users with old smartphones with less processing power. Since, the original Messenger app is over 50MB in size and occupies a lot of storage and RAM. The lite version is expected to have a wider reach among the Indian audience. In India, most of the users use entry-level or mid-range smartphones and older versions of Android, for them this version of Facebook Lite is pretty good.
The app is of very minimal size i.e 5 MB and can be installed quicker even with slow internet connections. Since it is specifically designed for 2G networks, you can also expect it to load the photos, videos and other media much quicker than the original app.
Similar to the Facebook Messenger, the Messenger Lite can be used to perform all functions including photos, videos, emojis, and stickers. However, if you have to make video or voice calls, then you have to use the original app.
You can download the app from here