[Download] Magisk 18.0 arrives with tons of improvements including protection for procfs

The powerful Magisk is now receiving a stable update with major changes. The latest Magisk 18.0 is accompanied by a new Magisk Manager bearing version number 6.1.0. They combined brings a lot of improvements on the table compared to the previous stable release 17.0. The changelog is huge as you can see below.[download] magisk 18.0 arrives with tons of improvements including protection for procfs


  • Magisk v18.0
    – [General] Migrate all code base to C++
    – [General] Modify database natively instead of going through Magisk Manager
    – [General] Deprecate path /sbin/.core, please start using /sbin/.magisk
    – [General] Boot scripts are moved from <magisk_img>/.core/<stage>.d to /data/adb/<stage>.d
    – [General] Remove native systemless hosts (Magisk Manager is updated with a built-in systemless hosts module)
    – [General] Allow module post-fs-data.sh scripts to disable/remove modules
    – [MagiskHide] Use component names instead of process names as targets
    – [MagiskHide] Add procfs protection on SDK 24+ (Nougat)
    – [MagiskHide] Remove the folder /.backup to prevent detection
    – [MagiskHide] Hide list is now stored in database instead of raw textfile in images
    – [MagiskHide] Add “–status” option to CLI
    – [MagiskHide] Stop unmounting non-custom related mount points
    – [MagiskSU] Add FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES in broadcasts to force wake Magisk Manager
    – [MagiskSU] Fix a bug causing SIGWINCH not properly detected
    – [MagiskPolicy] Support new av rules: type_change, type_member
    – [MagiskPolicy] Remove all AUDITDENY rules after patching sepolicy to log all denies for debugging
    – [MagiskBoot] Properly support extra_cmdline in boot headers
    – [MagiskBoot] Try to repair broken v1 boot image headers
    – [MagiskBoot] Add new CPIO command: “exists”
  • Magisk Manager v6.1.0
    – Introduce new downloading methods: no longer uses buggy system Download Manager
    – Introduce many new notifications for better user experience
    – Add support for Magisk v18.0
    – Change application name to “Manager” after hiding(repackaging) to prevent app name detection
    – Add built-in systemless hosts module (access in settings)
    – Auto launch the newly installed app after hiding(repackaging) and restoring Magisk Manager
    – Fix bug causing incomplete module.prop in modules to have improper UI

The main highlight of the update is the improvements in MagiskHide. Topjohnwu states that many apps have started to use dedicated services to detect root, but with the Magisk 18.0 the process monitor matches component names instead of process names. So, the Magisk can go undetected by those apps using weird root detection algorithm. Another notable change is the addition of procfs protection on SDK 24+ (Nougat) devices. The Magisk 18.0 patches the recently discovered, widespread linux kernel bug which in effect can be exploited by other apps to detect root.

Coming to Magisk Manager, the latest release introduces a native downloading methods. That is, any future updates to the Magisk will no longer use system Download Manager. Moreover, there are some changes in elements to enhance user experience such as new notifications.


Magisk 18.0 : Download

He is so desperate to try Custom Roms such that tripped Knox of his brand new Galaxy within 24 Hrs of its purchase. Purely "flashaholic" and can torture his device to any extend for deadly customizations.


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