Yesterday, Google announced new version of the popular Android Operating System, Android M. Currently, Google announced the developer preview of the software and is now available for flashing on the Nexus 5,6 and 9.
There are lot of things that Android M have got to intuit its users to keep sticked to the Android ecosystem. Google has embedded many new features like Project Doze for better battery performance, new Google Now features, text selections, app permission, new web experience,etc.
During the demonstration of Android M the stock Android has also been shown wallpaper.Â
The new background is a photograph of the Earth, which is taken from space. One more reason why Android M possibly “Mars” or “Milky Way” could be called.
That wallpaper is now available for download and you can save it Android M wallpaper.
Further we have got ringtones of the Android M. In full package there are:
- 24 UI tones
- 12 ringtones
- 11 notifications tones
- 8 alarm tones
Next is the Boot animation:
The new shiny boot animation from the Android M boot screen. This is 100% stock and unadulterated. But note that it is not meant to be flashed and you will have to customise it for your Android device to make it compatible.
Download: Android M boot animation
Finally here are the apps that came with the Android M:
- BasicDreams
- Bluetooth
- BluetoothMidiServices
- Books
- BrowserProviderProxy
- CalculatorGoogle
- CalendarGooglePrebuilt
- CaptivePortalLogin
- CertInstaller
- Chrome
- CloudPrint2
- DMAgent
- DocumentsUI
- DownloadProviderUi
- Drive
- EditorsDocsStud
- EditorsSheetsStud
- EditorsSlidesStud
- faceLock
- FitnessPrebuilt
- GoogleCamera
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter
- GoogleEars
- GoogleEarth
- GoogleHindiME
- GoogleHome
- GooglePinyinIME
- GoogleTTS
- HTMLViewer
- iWnnIME
- KeyChain
- KoreanIME
- LatinImeGoogle
- LiveWallapersPicker
- Maps
- MediaShortcuts
- Music2
- Newsstand
- NfcNci
- OmaDmclient
- PackageInstaller
- PacProcessor
- PartnerBookmarksProvider
- Photos
- PlayGames
- PlusOne
- PrebuiltDeskClockGoogle
- PrebuiltEmailGoogle
- PrebuiltExhange3Google
- PrebuiltGmail
- PrebuiltGmail
- PrebuiltKeep
- PrebuiltNewsWeather
- PrintSpooler
- qcrilmsgtunnel
- shutdownlistener
- SprintHiddenMenu
- Stk
- Street
- SunBeam
- talkback
- TimeService
- UpdateSetting
- UserDictionaryProvider
- Videos
- WebViewGoogle
- YadaYada
- YouTube
List of apps in priv-app folder
- AndroidForWork
- BackupRestoreConfirmation
- CalendarProvider
- CallLogBackup
- CarrierConfig
- CellBroadcastReceiver
- ConfigUpdater
- ContactsProvider
- DefaultContainerService
- DownloadProvider
- ExternalStorageProvider
- FusedLOcation
- GoogleBackupTransport
- GoogleContacts
- GoogleDialer
- GoogleFeedback
- GoogleLoginService
- GoogleOneTimeInitializer
- GooglepartnerSetup
- GoogleServicesFramework
- Hangouts
- InputDevices
- Launcher2
- ManagedProvisioning
- MediaProvider
- MmsService
- MusicFX
- Phonesky
- PrebuiltGmsCore
- ProxyHandler
- Settings
- SettingsProvider
- SetupWizard
- SharedStorageBackup
- Shell
- StatementService
- SystemUI
- TagGoogle
- Telecom
- TelephonyProvider
- TeleService
- Velvet
- VpnDialogs
- Wallet
- WallpaperCropper
Download: Android M apps
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