Just like href=”http://google.com/” rel=”homepage” target=”_blank” title=”Google”>Google and href=”http://www.wikipedia.org/” rel=”homepage” target=”_blank” title=”Wikipedia”>Wikipedia, it seems the href=”http://www.cyanogenmod.com/” rel=”homepage” target=”_blank” title=”CyanogenMod”>CyanogenMod team are taking the href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senior_Officer_Present_Afloat” rel=”wikipedia” target=”_blank” title=”Senior Officer Present Afloat”>SOPA thing to heart by blacking out their own site in protest of SOPA.
If you’ve been under a rock for the past few months (or unplugged from the internet) SOPA is a bill that — if passed — could essentially end the internet as we know it, all in the name of anti-piracy censorship. This quick video will better explain things.
While Google.com is still up and running (how crazy would it be if they really shut down the heart of the internet?), their statement is clear: “End Piracy, Not Liberty.” Nuff said.
If you want to make your voice heard — and you really should — hit up the links below to join the good fight and sign the petition. STOP SOPA!
[Google’s Take Action Petition]