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CyanogenMod 11 Nightly Brings Up Call Recording Feature

CyanogenMod has released new build named CyanogenMod 11 Nightly. It has got a very popular feature of Call Recording. It seems CyanogenMod is going to take off call recording apps from the Play Store? May Be !!

cyanogenmod 11cyanogenmod 11

CyanogenMod has integrated it right in the phone application so recording voice calls simply requires tapping a button. Otherwise, Stock Android users have various options as Third Party Apps available form the Play Store.

As per the details, if you want to use the recording option, you have to manually turn it on by building it from source and fire it up through system property persist.call_recording.enabled or they can use an Xposed module to get the feature up and running. Currently there’s no note on the quality of the features. It is expected that CyanogenMod will improve this feature in upcoming builds.

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Simranpal Singh

With a decade-long journey in the tech industry, I've been actively engaged in tech reporting across various reputable publications. He currently works as a Web Developer at RightNode Media and pursues his hobby of writing on GoAndroid. Enjoy travelling, and always excited about new tech trends. He actively contributes on GizmoChina and GChromecast Hub.

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