Categories: AndroidNews

CyanogenMod 11 and 12 Final Builds Released; Starts Working On CM 12.1

Cyanogen, one of the biggest custom ROM developers of Android. They have worked pretty hard to make space in the Android world. In order to remain ahead, today, Cyanogen released last builds of CM 11 and 12 and now they have started working on CM 12.1.

cyanogenmod 11cyanogenmod 11

Cyanogen has taken this step because they say that most of the users are trying to get Lollipop based ROM rather than Kitkat . So why they develop any new build of CM11? Here’s what they said:

Why another CM11 build? Rather surprisingly, many users have been slow to upgrade to L – whether due to the lack of a snapshot release or adverse reaction to the Material design, we don’t know. The meager stats that we have show that there is a rather large contingency of users who are sticking to CM11 as their release channel of choice, so we felt compelled to give a release showcasing all the work that went into that branch to make it ship ready.

Further, there are lot of bugs in the Android 5.0 source which are causing many problems to the users. So Cyanogen has taken decision to make shift to the CM 12.1 rather than developing these builds which are already losing charm.

Simranpal Singh

With a decade-long journey in the tech industry, I've been actively engaged in tech reporting across various reputable publications. He currently works as a Web Developer at RightNode Media and pursues his hobby of writing on GoAndroid. Enjoy travelling, and always excited about new tech trends. He actively contributes on GizmoChina and GChromecast Hub.

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