Today heap of apps receives updates as Google TV, Youtube, Google Voice and Expedia has already got updates in last couple of days. Today again some popular apps received updates, namely Call of Duty Elite, Gmail, FolderSync And Google Drive.
First heading to Call of Duty Elite app which is updated both for Android and iOS now offers free stats, remote class editing, clan coordination and video streaming for Black Ops 2. Earlier these features were subscription based. There’s one more feature added known as Call of Duty Elite TV by which you can watch strategy videos, educational information on custom classes, and even watch matches live.
Download from Play Store
Gmail is also updated with new way of search. Now you can search mails by email sizes, dates, and more. The advanced search is already enabled in Gmail on both the web and Android app. Here’s the full list of advanced search terms:
Yesterday Folder Sync also received its update and now its Version stands at 2.2.8. New update include support for Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. There’s also bug fixes like issue with upload on some WebDAV servers is now fixed. Head over to Play Store to get this latest update.
At last Google Drive has also received update which made easier to find things as well as ‘organize, and view stuff’. These days Google is working on Search quality in many apps. As discussed above new search for Gmail and yeaterday with Google TV, today its turn for Google Drive. Google has added person search, which allows to search file by person name.
Now you are also able to you view Google Earth map files, where you open them, preview and interact with Google Earth files (.kml and .kmz) right within Google Drive on the web. Google also said that now Chrome users can now drag and drop files from their PC into their folders on Drive.
Additionally, Google launched Drive was launched in April and received its last update in October.
Guys head over to Google Drive Blog for More Info.