With Android 10, Google introduced the system-wide dark mode for smartphones. In the parallel world, Apple with its iOS 13 debuted dark mode for iPhones. So literally, most of the prominent gadgets we use today have made a switch to Dark Mode. While it’s so, the Dark Mode on both iOS and Android is not fully implemented as still there exist few apps which haven’t yet got Dark Mode support. The best example being Google’s own browser, the Chrome Browser.
Of course, the Chrome on Android, iOS and Windows feature Dark Theme option but is of no use as it won’t darken the webpages we visit unlike Samsung Internet and other few browsers for Android. Gladly, there is a workaround by which webpages can be darkened on Chrome for Windows at least. Thanks to a few third-party extensions for Chrome Browser, we could darken the webpages as well. So, here we’ll be listing some of the extensions which will let you enable complete dark mode on Chrome Browser for Windows. Do check them out below.
Dark Mode Extensions for Chrome Browser
- Dark Reader: One of the best and highly rated Dark mode extension for every website. Take care of your eyes, use dark theme for night and daily browsing.
Dark Reader inverts bright colours making them high contrast and easy to read at night. You can adjust brightness, contrast, sepia filter, dark mode, font settings and ignore-list. Dark Reader doesn’t show ads and doesn’t send user’s data anywhere. It is fully open-source https://github.com/darkreader/darkreader.Install the extension from here. - Dark Mode: Yet another extension which is simple and doesn’t offer any additional customization as the above one. The extension has a tiny toggle top-right besides URL tab on Chrome. You’ve to toggle on or off and the rest will be done by the extension.
Install - Night Shift: Not exactly a dark mode extension but can be tweaked for darker webpages. The Night Night Shift automatically shifts the colours of your browser content to warmer end of the colour spectrum after dark. You need to refresh all the tabs, which were opened before the Night Shift was installed. You can also restart the Chrome to refresh all the tabs at once. Otherwise, Night Shift will work only with the newly opened tabs.
In accordance with the Chrome Browser policies, unfortunately, Night Shift is restricted to work on the Chrome Web Store and Home Page. But rest assured that it’ll work on other pages. Click here to install.
- Dark Theme For Chrome: Dark mode for all websites in Chrome browser with the option to exclude any domain or create custom theme Apply all websites into a dark theme that protects your eyes from bright colours.
Social networks, mainstream sites and all other New Tabs will be all together covered into black colours. No more needs to open settings one by one for different websites – just one app brings black theme across the whole Chrome. Additionally. users can create own custom themes! Save it, rename and apply at any time. Give it a try from here.
That’s it, just click the “Add to Chrome” option on the landing pages of whichever links you’ve chosen to get the extensions installed on Chrome. Hopes you’ve liked the extensions and were able to get full dark mode on Chrome. If not do comment down below.