Battlegrounds Mobile India was announced in the country last month. Krafton, the developers of BGMI has now officially released the final version much-awaited gaming app for Indian users. Android users can install the app via Google Play Store, whereas the users on iOS might have to wait a few more days. Here are some more details about the hyped gaming application.
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The final version of the BGMI is released today, though the early access was available to download in May. The Pre-registered players can simply flash the update that weighs 137MB from the Play Store to grab the official version. On the other hand, the rest of the users can download the final version from the Play Store that weighs 731MB in size.
Moreover, developers have announced a bunch of in-game events to pump the release of BGMI. The span of getting the “India ka Battlegrounds” gift is extended to August 19. This will present you with a permanent purple outfit for free. So is the case with 1 million and 5 million downloads, which will reward with supply crate coupons on sign-up.
Furthermore, when the downloads hit 10 million, players can collect a Constable Set after the official opening until August 19. Krafton will announce more such events like Weekend Vibes, Celebration Time, Friends for Life, etc in the coming days.
Keep in note that there are also some requirements to download the Battlegrounds Mobile India app. The player needs to be on a device running Android 5.1.1 or above paired with at least 2GB of RAM.