
Arrow launcher v3.7 adds redesigned settings menu, new features and bug fixes

The Arrow Launcher on Android developed by Microsoft has undergone two updates in a span of less than one month. This new update numbered aims to make settings easy for the user, as well as add some new features and fix some bugs while at it.
With Android O, finding settings will get much easier as Google reorganizes things. But the Arrow launcher is already doing it.

Arrow launcher v3.7 adds redesigned settings menu, new features and bug fixesArrow launcher v3.7 adds redesigned settings menu, new features and bug fixes

The settings menu is much more clutter free and organized and categories and sub-categories are much more aligned. For example, icon layout settings will be found under Settings >> Customization category which is quite logical.

Another nifty feature is the Microsoft account linking option. Now, when new users install the launcher, they will be able to setup their account right away. With this native service, Arrow launcher has something that no other launchers can boast of. Microsoft‘s own cloud.
And some miscellaneous improvements to the address book now lets the launcher de-clutter your contacts by merging and de-duping. When a particular contact on People’s tab is tapped, it will allow multiple choices. In the end, there are some bug fixes to the Status bar, Calendar and auto update.

To know more about the previous update, Read this article here.

Abdul Qayyum

Hi, I am A. Qayyum. My fascination with new gadgets is older than I can remember. It is also the driving force for me as an Android Tech Blogger. Other obsessions include Italian Pizzas and Clash of Clans.

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