Last week, Google had released the v8.4.18 of Google Play Store with few or no subtle changes in it. Now, a new incremental upgrade to the app store is rolling-out carrying a version number of 8.4.19. Obviously, since there lies only a fractional change in version number, we can easily deduce what it doesn’t bring.
Needless to say, the latest 8.4.19 of Play Store fixes some of the bugs camoflauged in the previous release. Also, minute enhancements and other performance improvements are bundled with the package. As earlier hinted, no new feature or UI changes are visible in the Google Play Store 8.4.19.
Even, the features such as notification for apps and games inside the Play Store app and the new Audio Book release tab were not made live. Recall that, the above features were ciphered inside the code of previous v8.4.18.
If needed, you can download the latest Google Play Store apk from the link given below. It’s always recommended to keep your apps and system up-to-date by installing latest releases.
Google Play Store: Apkmirror.
Note: The APK is verified safe to install and is untampered. It ‘s signed by Google LLC and upgrades your existing app.