Android Open Kang Project has been downloaded and is running on 1 Million Android devices AOKP is the second most used Android ROM and now its Behind to CyanogenMod only. Its first build was launched during Ice Cream Sandwich era and I remember when I flashed it on my device.
AOKP is not here to announce its numbers they have even created one more milestone and its name is AOKP JB-MR1 Milestone 1, Its the first stable Android 4.1 Jelly Bean ROM which is now available to download. This newly released build consists features like NavRing, Tablet UI mode, nav bar widgets, and some UI enhancements. For more read out the changelog below:
If you’r not much geeky and want updates automatically then install AOKPush which helps to facilitate the changes, and downloading the latest releases directly to your device. Its developed by the AOKP developer, Sethyx.