
Android Oreo OTA and factory images for the Nexus Player

Google recently released factory images of Android Oreo of it’s entire line of devices but the Nexus Player (2014) wasn’t shown much love. Considering that, it’s a miracle its still receiving software updates. The Nexus Player was slated to receive Android O Developer Preview, earlier this year. But, the update was delayed because a bug that started uploading data automatically was found in the build.

Android OreoAndroid Oreo

The bug was found in later stages of development and so this led to the delay of the Android 8.0 build, Android Police was told. Now, that the fix is complete, the Android 8.0 Oreo build for the device is now available finally.

Anyways, the build is there in OTA as well as Factory images and the build number is  OPR6.170623.021. Recent OTAs and factory images for other devices were also uploaded, which you can find linked in this article here. If you don’t know how to flash these, you might as well stay put until Google pushes an OTA.

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Abdul Qayyum

Hi, I am A. Qayyum. My fascination with new gadgets is older than I can remember. It is also the driving force for me as an Android Tech Blogger. Other obsessions include Italian Pizzas and Clash of Clans.

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