Android Lollipop 5.0.1 Update for Samsung Galaxy S4 Rolled Out In Russia

After providing Lollipop updates to many Android Devices such as Galaxy S5 in Russia, Galaxy S4 in Australia and Galaxy Note 3, Samsung is ready with Lollipop update for Galaxy S4 in . Now Galaxy S4 users will also receive OTA update to update their Android Versions to Lollipop 5.0.

android 5.0.1 lollipop update

This new OS will bring all the Lollipop features to your device and users could experience these visually appealing UI changes. Users will also experience improved battery life, more interactive user interface, lots of animation graphics and many more.

The only problem faced by users while installing this update is its size. Users will have to free about 3 GB space on their drives in order to install this update. Size of the file is 1049.17 MB.


In order to install OTA update in your Galaxy S4 , first of all you will have to free about 3 GB of memory in your device. Also note that during the installation of this update, the phone will remove some apps like Google Play, Books, Movies and a few others for the purpose of memory optimisation.

  • After getting OTA notification for updation select “yes, i m in” option.
  • After the file is downloaded select “Install Now” .
  • Your mobile phone will restart after the completion of installing and your OS will be updated to new Version
These updated are expected to reach  world wide soon.


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