Android KitKat Update for Sony Xperia Z1, Z1 Compact and Z1 Ultra Annoucned
Sony just announced the KitKat Update availability for the major devices, namely the Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z1, and the Xperia Z1 Compact. So the update would be definitely rolling in for these devices, but according to the company, it might take a bit of time.
We have got our hands on the official Changelog, so you could go through to see that what all features the KitKat 4.4.2 Update would be bringing in to the above mentioned devices. The following was put up on the Sony Website.
Google’s Android 4.4; KitKat as standard – bringing performance & UI optimisation… We’ve added our tweaked Status Bar and Quick Settings… now more intuitive and customisable (and pretty easy on the eye)… cleaned up to ensure you only get the notifications you really need
If you’ve got a Sony PlayStation 4, you might recognize our new user interface – we’ve added the same sleek launch animation and livewallpaper across the lock and home screens
We’re also uplifting Sony’s entire native app portfolio to the latest versions – bringing tweaked / improved / current experiences for (to name but a few): Messaging, MyXperia, Smart Connect, Small apps, TrackID, TrackID TV, Sony Select, Smart Social Camera and…
Sony’s Media apps: WALKMAN, Album and Movies, with Sony Entertainment Network cloud service integration – a more converged and full Sony entertainment experience – Sony Entertainment Network & PlayMemories integration with a more intuitive UI, better download speeds, and more!
Our unique custom interface experience: “Xperia Themes”, with downloadable UI packs from Sony Select – skin up to 280 assets across your Xperia smartphone with a variety of styles, and more to follow soon…
And it is not the end here, the KitKat update for the Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR, and Xperia Tablet Z is also under development. And it would be launched in the month of May or June this year.
Also Sony announced that the Xperia T2 Ultra, Xperia E1 and also the Xperia M2 would be getting the KitKat treatment, but they said nothing about the availability as off yet.