
Android 8.0 Oreo is rolling out to HTC U Ultra in India

HTC U Ultra, one of the biggest failures of last year is finally receiving the Android Oreo update. But, what’s strange is that HTC decided to roll out the update first in India, Taiwan, and Italy. Normally, HTC would first seed the updates to Taiwan followed by major western markets like US and UK.

HTC U UltraHTC U Ultra

As for changelog, HTC did not provide anything in detail. All they describe is “Android 8.0 Oreo update” and “system enhancements”. And the update weighs around 1.3 to 1.6 GB. In case you are not aware of, Android Oreo brings some nifty little additions to the Operating System. The new features include picture-in-picture mode, notification channels, adaptive icons, Notification dots, new emojis, Google Play Protect, and other under the hood add-ons.

Thus, if you are from India, Taiwan or Italy and own an HTC U Ultra, you might have received the notification for the update by now. If not, don’t panic as the update will eventually hit your device soon. Or you could manually check for updates from the About section of your device. And do not forget to have enough battery and storage before downloading the update.

As for western consumers, the Android Oreo update will be made available in the coming weeks.

Sudarshan R

Just another random tech-savvy person.

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