Samsung is quick as a flash in releasing updates. In a short period, the company has upgraded an impressive amount of devices. Starting with the Galaxy S21 series, it has now reached the Galaxy Note 10 and the Original Galaxy Fold.
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Update [January 12, 2022]: The Galaxy Note 10+ units in India have started to receive a new update on the build number N9756FXXU7GULD. The package brings the Android 12 OS along with One UI 4.0 on top. The firmware will weigh around 2.3GB in size which also includes the January 2022 security patch.
The original story follows below…
[December 30, 2021]: The Galaxy Note 10 lineup and the Galaxy Fold are now receiving One UI 4.0 based on Android 12. The package is rolling out in Switzerland for the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ via the firmware version N97xFXXU7GULD and N976BXXU7GULD respectively. For the Galaxy Fold, the users in France will receive it via the PDA number F900FXXU6GUL9. Surely, it will release to more countries by the next few weeks.
Needless to say, both flagships will get the Android 12 goodies along with extensive One UI features. It will render a whole new experience of using your device with a revamped UI. Also, Google says that Android 12 is the biggest overhaul in years. Tap on the button below and see why!
Top Features of Android 12
Moreover, the build also inculcates the January 2022 security patch to the Galaxy Note 10 and Galaxy Note 10+. However, for the Galaxy Z Fold, it arrives with December 2021 security patch. But that’s not bad either!
The update will reach out to your respective Galaxy devices as an OTA. If you can’t wait to experience the new OS, you can track the build manually by heading to Settings > Software update, tap on Download and install if the firmware pops up.