
Amazon Prime Video back on U.S. Play Store

This 9.5/10 IMDB rated hollywood TV series is now a sensation all over the world. Some of you might have got it. Yes, I just mentioned about the Game Of Thrones that has created a sort of addiction to the viewers, especially among youths. And, myself being one among the addicts used to watch it on, of course, The Amazon Prime Video  hassle-free and legitimate.Amazon Prime Video back on U.S. Play StoreAmazon Prime Video back on U.S. Play Store

However, this was not the case with the U.S Android users so far. In Order to watch their favourite exclusive contents offered by the Amazon Prime. They would have to go through some sophisticated steps to get hold of the Amazon Prime Video app. The reason being the unavailability of the Amazon Prime Video app on the Play Store. But, as a matter of rejoice for the U.Sers, the Amazon Prime Video is now made available on U.S Play Store.

Amazon Prime Video is a legit way of accessing and viewing of certain premium contents. The exclusive Amazon Prime contents includes wide range of TV shows, movies, Albums etc.

The Amazon Prime Video, once existed over U.S Play Store. Due to some unknown reasons the app was removed from the Play Store. Since then, for the U.S users the Prime Video app was only available through Amazon’s Underground app. It is not at all as comfy as installing it via Play Store.

Definitely, the relaunch of Amazon Prime app on the Play Store is a sought of relief for the U.S Amazon Prime subscribers. The app still does not include much needed Chromecast support, albeit a bummer.

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If you are a U.S native and irritated with the ‘Underground’ way of accessing Amazon Prime Video. Now onwards, you can head over to the Play Store for easy, safe and secure installation of the app.

Amazon Prime Video: Play Store



He is so desperate to try Custom Roms such that tripped Knox of his brand new Galaxy within 24 Hrs of its purchase. Purely "flashaholic" and can torture his device to any extend for deadly customizations.

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