Samsung is all set for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S10 by the end of this year or Q1 2019. It is going to debut with the Snapdragon 855 which is expected to ship with 7nm process. Along with, it will have great AI integration with 5G technology readiness. Today, we got to know that it will carry Qualcomm’s Ultrasonic on-screen Fingerprint.
According to the source, it is believed that Samsung Galaxy S10 will carry the third generation ultrasonic on-screen fingerprint scanner. It is believed that Samsung is going to advertise this feature as it can become the major selling point for the device. Qualcomm’s Ultrasonic on-screen fingerprint scanner is going to be embedded for the first time in the high-end flagship device.
Smasung Galaxy S10 Specs:
As said above, the Snapdragon 855 will carry 5G technology support and so does the Samsung Galaxy S10. The new Snapdragon is going to be a major upgrade over the SNapdragon 845, as it will carry 7nm foundry process which will increase its performance by 10% and will decrease size by 40%. It will give space for more slim or bigger devices and overall it will increase the power efficiency of the device by 35%.
Additionally, Samsung Galaxy S10 will carry Dual-camera setup on both the front and back side of the device. Samsung Galaxy S10 will carry two Galaxy S10 Plus and Galaxy S10 Plus with the smallest of all Galaxy S10 is expected to come with a 5.8(inch) Super AMOLED Display. Whereas, on the other two models the display will measure 6.2(inch) and 6.44(inch).
It is also expected to come with the Sound on Display technology. As like the trend, it will carry an extremely bezel less display.