Google Assistant which first debuted on the original Pixel smartphones is now making its way to almost all devices. At CES 2018, Google announced number of hardware partners for Assistant such as Lenovo, JBL, LG , Sony and more. Some of them also showcased their products at CES which included smart speakers, smart displays and headphones. Last but not least, Google also announced that Assistant will be coming to Android Auto in the coming weeks.
You might be confused that we can already use voice commands in cars with Android Auto, then what’s new ? Well, the voice command we use now is the only Google Now which made its debut years ago. It is merely based on Google Search. But, the Assistant provides much more better experience. The Assistant will be rolling out to more than 400 models from 40 plus brands which also includes  Ford, General Motors, Nissan, Volkswagen, Volvo and others.
Assistant will do all the things as it does on any other devices from simple searches to specific actions. Also, you can check your fuel level, lock doors, and more using Assistant. This feature is currently available on cars from BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai. However, Google announced that this feature will be coming to coming to cars from Kia and Fiat Chrysler.
What are your thoughts on Google Assistant on your cars? Let us know by commenting below.