Samsung initially planned to launch its most expected flagship smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 at an event in New York on 23rd of this month. However, the images of the device were leaked ahead of its launch on Twitter. While, the renders leaked by only showed the front and rear of the device. A recent leak of the Note 8 clearly shows both the sides of the device along with the S-Pen.
However, the images leaked by My Everyday Tech were removed after a request by Samsung. But as you know, if something is on the internet, then it is there forever. So, minutes before the images were deleted, someone downloaded them. Now, it is already making rounds on Reddit and other forums.
According the leaks, the device seems to feature a 6.3 inch screen. Further, it is going to get other components of the device like the front IRIS scanner and the rear fingerprint scanner are placed in the same position as its predecessor, the Galaxy Note 7.
However the one thing that has changed is the introduction of dual cameras on the rear of the Note 8. In fact, the Note 8 might be the first Samsung Galaxy device to release with dual cameras.
How many of you are waiting for the Galaxy Note 8 ?