Samsung has started pushing Android Nougat to the Galaxy Note 5 in the European region. The smartphone is the latest to receive the Nougat update after the S7 and S6 series of smartphones. The Nougat update has already been rolled out for the Galaxy Note 5 in the US.
The update has been confirmed to arrive in Romania region in Europe. As is mostly the case, it will slowly appear in other countries also. And since it is an OS update it will weigh around 1GB. So, as always make sure you backup all your data, ensure you have at least 75% battery and the device is connected to a stable Wifi.
As a note, if you have Samsung Pay on your phone. Make sure you update the app to the latest version before downloading Android Nougat. The update also has a March security patch added to it, hence will ensure latest security bug fixes.
You can manually check whether the update has arrived or not by going to the Settings >Software Update.