Samsung Finally starts rolling out the Latest Android 7.0 Nougat update on its Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge in India. The Update comes with the software build number G920IDVU3FQD1 and G925IDVU3FQD1 respectively.
The update weighs around 1.2GB in size, along with all the basic goodies of Android Nougat like the multi-window feature, as well as setting menu and usability of the Notification feature and Quick settings button. Samsung has even improved the speed of installation of apps. The update also includes the March Android Security Patch.
The Nougat update on both these Old Flagship devices in US, Europe and Korea. Coming back to the Indian update, the Update is rolling out over the air. So if you did not get the update notification yet, don’t panic it will reach your device in a day or two. Meanwhile you can check it manually by going through the phone’s settings>> about phone>> software updates.
People who update their Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge on the latest android do share your experiences via comments below.