Snapdragon 820 which is announced by Qualcomm last year is getting into many devices as per the leaked reports and rumors. Chinese Manufacturer, LeTV has already launched a phone named Le Max Pro in China. Well, coming on to the headline, already, there are many Benchmark results that showcase the powerful performance results.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 is once again listed at GFXBenchmark showing its gangbang performance. It is test on a 6.2-inch screen with 2560×1600 resolution. It is powered with 4GB RAM and 16GB internal storage with Android 6.0 Marshmallow onboard. Remember that the SD820 sports two 2.1GHz Kryo and two 1.6GHz Kryo cores, backstopped by the Adreno 530 GPU.
On the famous GFX 3.0 Manhattan test, it ran head to head with the Google Pixel C device powered by an NVIDIA Tegra X1 device with that 256-core Maxwell GPU, and beat the iPhone 6S Plus handily.
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