ZTE finally launched the Grand S II in India. And the device would be available for a price of about Rs. 13,999 ($225), on Amazon. This is the device in the medium budget.
And it would be competing with the Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen, and also the Xiaomi Mi3. As both of them fall in the same price range. Coming to the device, it has a display of about 5.5 inches with a 1080p display. It is powered by a Snapdragon 801 processor, along with 2GB RAM. It has intensely memory of about 16 GB, which is again expandable via micro SD card.
It has a primary shooter of about 13 Megapixel, and a primary camera of about 2 Megapixels, and a 3100 mAh battery to power it. And it features Android 4.2 in board.