As per the reports, Samsung is going to debut Curved displays on Smartwatches with its upcoming Samsung Gear 3 watch. The Korean Giant is also expected to bring up Galaxy Note 3 on September 3 at IFA 2014.
Samsung is in hurry for taking over the Smartwatches market as they have launched Gear Live at Google IO 2014 and Gear 2 some months ago. Well,coming onto the Gear 3 which is expected to be running on Tizen OS with Curved display. The Gear 3’s AMOLED screen will be slightly more rectangular rather than square and have thin side bezels. It’s not something similar to the Gear Fit, but will be a little more curved, with a very thin bezel and “impressive brightness and color saturation.”
They’ve also ditched the camera, but cellular connectivity seems to be on the table.
Are any of you really interested in the Gear 3?