A few weeks back, Samsung announced the launch of the upcoming Galaxy S23 series. The series would launch on February 1 at an unpacked event. Samsung would also unveil the OneUI 5.1 with the Galaxy S23 series. The Galaxy S23 series would be the first smartphone from Samsung to get OneUI 5.1. The upcoming UI will launch with a better user interface, faster performance, and more. Samsung now reveals the list of apps compatible with the forthcoming OneUI 5.1 UI.
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List of Samsung apps getting OneUI 5.1 support
- Samsung Battery Guardian 4.1.06
- Samsung Thermal Guardian 4.1.06
- Samsung Memory Guardian 4.1.05
- Samsung Battery Tracker 4.1.05
- Samsung Good Guardians Agent 4.1.05
- Samsung Galaxy App Booster 4.1.06
- Samsung Game Launcher 7.0.005
In addition, Samsung revealed that smartphones would be eligible for the OneUI 5.1 update. Following is the list of eligible Samsung smartphones;
- Galaxy S20 series
- Galaxy S21 series
- Galaxy S22 series
- Galaxy Z Flip 5G
- Galaxy Z Flip 3 & Galaxy Z Fold 3
- Galaxy Z Fold 4 & Galaxy Z Flip 4
- Galaxy Z Fold 2
It will start rolling out the UI soon after the launch at the Unpacked Event 2023. We have already seen Samsung’s diligence in rolling out OneUI 5.0 to its compatible smartphones. The OneUI 5.1 will also make its way to Galaxy A and other series smartphones. The announcement of the same would follow after the launch of the same.