9 Cards: Smartphones Made Smarter

One of the many joys of owning an using an Android smartphone is the ability to customize the phone as one sees it. Be it customizing the Android UI or managing your apps and stacking them neatly. And this is exactly what 9 Cards helps you with. This new smart launcher gets up with almost all the existing launchers, be it Apex or stock Android.

9 cards android app9 cards android app

So what basically does this ‘9 Cards’ help you with? It neatly stacks and organises all your existing apps into 9 categories and also, over time tracks how frequently you use an app and redefines the user interface for you. You could also add any app into any desired category using the “Add New” button. The launcher also gives you suggestions to manage your apps based on your usage patterns. These apps can be easily assessed with the swipe of your finger.

The capability of this home launcher to run along with your existing launcher makes it a good one. It can be downloaded from the Google Play for free, a premium upgrade also available making your pocket lighter by $2.99.


Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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